Frequently asked questions

What is an UnPDNS?

The Unprofessional Delegates Networking Session originated as an alternative social event on the night that the Professional Delegates Networking Session was held for hobbyists, students, and people who are allergic to business cards and canapés.

It is now an informal, unofficial catch up event for anyone who wants to hang out in a park and eat some food. Socialise. Don't socialise. It's up to you!

Wasn't the PDNS on Monday morning this year?

Yes, but who wants to wake up at 7:30 on a Monday? Sheesh.

(Also, it wasn't actually called the PDNS. Semantics!)

Where is the UnPDNS?

This year, we're going to be at Errol Flynn Reserve, which Google knows as Short Beach for some reason. It's a 1 kilometre, mostly flat walk from the conference venue (put simply: walk north along the water until you hit the park).

The venue itself is a regular park. Lots of grass, a couple of barbecues, public toilets that are apparently open until at least 8 pm.

How much does it cost?

$5 per person. Any profits are donated to the conference charity, which is Outreachy this year.

Can I pay with...

Sorry, no. We're cash only.

Do I need to sign up?

Please sign up on the main Wiki page by Thursday lunchtime. This helps a lot with figuring out how much food to buy.

I didn't sign up. Can I still come?


What will there be to eat?

Mostly sausages. Coles claims they're beef and I choose to believe them. We'll also have a large quantity of white bread. Please don't feed the ducks.

Beyond that, we'll have a more limited quantity of beef burgers, and some condiments.

Does the conference code of conduct apply?

Although this isn't an official conference event, the same code of conduct as proper still applies.

If you need to make a report under the code of conduct, please contact either Adam Harvey or the LCA incident response team.

I don't eat meat/beef/bread. Can I still come?

Absolutely! Please note any dietary restrictions when signing up, or by e-mailing Adam, and we'll accommodate you. (I would suggest arriving early so that we can cook your food on a clean grill.)

Can I drink?


Can I drink alcohol?

Tasmanian law permits responsible consumption of alcohol in most parks (including ours), provided you are at least 18 years old.

(At least according to Google. I'm not a lawyer. I'm not even Tasmanian.)

You are still subject to Tasmanian laws around public intoxication. A couple of beers is fine, but that fifth of whiskey is probably better saved for the hotel or dorms. (Also, that's a lot of whiskey for one person. You should consider inviting conference organisers and UnPDNS volunteers to help.)

Where can I acquire said drinks?

We will not be selling drinks at the venue, but there are option en route: there's a Caltex service station right by Wrest Point and a Coles in Sandy Bay for non-alcoholic drinks, and a Cellarbrations in Sandy Bay for alcoholic drinks. Both the Coles and Cellarbrations are close to the park.

Please refer to this map for further details. A screenshot is below, in case it stops working:

The map

I have another question.

Please either e-mail the LCA chat list, or Adam Harvey directly.

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