
WOOTCONF, Women Of Open Technology, is a miniconf dedicated to allowing those who identify as women to share their knowledge in relation to the future of open source in Australia in beyond.

Working on a foundation of previous linux.conf.au miniconfs AussieChix and Haecksen, WOOTCONF seeks to provide an safe, inclusive, environment facilitating the sharing of knowledge and experience, with talks ranging from technical to professional development and community. WOOTCONF will include invited keynotes, and encourages new and upcoming speakers to propose and deliver talks. Mentoring by a number of recognised members in the open source community will be available for any speaker who wishes to use such help.

Attendance at this miniconf is open to all attendees of linux.conf.au

For a list of selected talks, please see 2017.katieconf.xyz

Presented by

Katie McLaughlin

Katie has worn many different hats over the years. She has been a software developer for many languages, systems administrator for multiple operating systems, and speaker on many different topics.

She is currently a board member for Linux Australia, a Senior Apiarist on the BeeWare project, and operations engineer, and conference organiser.

When she's not changing the world, she enjoys making tapestries, cooking, and yelling at JavaScript and its attempt at global variables.

Jacinta Catherine Richardson

Jacinta is a software engineer and Perl hacker, although in her day job, these days, she writes in Python for the Australian Public Service. You may know Jacinta from her many years running Perl Training Australia, organising conferences including the Open Source Developers' Conference, and generally being awesome.

Lana Brindley

Lana has been playing and working with technology since she was eaten by a grue during a particularly eventful summer in the 90s. Not long after that she spent far too much time at university, and eventually decided to get a real job. She started out doing technical documentation for open source cloudy-type products, and now she works for Rackspace as the manager of a documentation team, from her home in Brisbane Australia. She also keeps getting elected as the documentation lead (PTL) for OpenStack, through no fault of her own. If she ever works out how that keeps happening, she'll write the manual for that, too.

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