Did you blog about lca2017?  Did you put your photos online? Did you write an article about lca2017 or linux.conf.au to tell people about it. 

Do you have software?

Please add your lca2017 links here. I've put in headers. If your link is a combination of a few, just add to one with a note on the side what it is.

# Photos

* [Simon Lyall's lca2017 photos](https://www.flickr.com/photos/simonlyall/collections/72157679238001285/)

# Blog 

*  [Why You Should Speak At & Attend LinuxConf Australia](https://sfconservancy.org/blog/2016/aug/04/lca-2016/) by Bradley Kuhn
*  [My talk picks for #lca2017](http://blog.kathyreid.id.au/2016/12/17/my-talk-picks-for-lca2017/) by Kathy Reid
*  [Come see Conservancy at linux.conf.au 2017](https://sfconservancy.org/blog/2016/dec/05/2017-lca-preview/) by Brett Smith
*  [Open source down under: Linux.conf.au 2017](https://opensource.googleblog.com/2016/12/open-source-down-under-linuxconfau-2017.html) by Josh Simmons
* [Simon Lyall's Blog](http://blog.darkmere.gen.nz/) contains liveblogging notes from talks Simon attends.
* [Nick's LCA2017 wrapup](http://nick.zoic.org/etc/linuxconf-2017-hobart/)

# Articles

*  [Top open source conference picks for 2017](https://opensource.com/article/16/12/2017-top-open-source-conference-picks) by Jono Bacon
*  [5 great linux.conf.au talks (that aren't about Linux)](https://opensource.com/life/16/7/5-great-linuxconfau-talks) by Chris Neugebauer

# Github or software repository 

# Events and conferences you recommend

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